THE HAUNTING (2013) for Kat Healy.

Originally the project began filming in October 2012, beginning with the shooting at the Caves.

The video had a number of ideas flowing through but simply, it was a journey into the otherworldly, an ethereal concept jumping plains of reality. Focusing on the camera, it was the device that allowed that transport between worlds. Over the course of the remaining year, several days were shot and some included re-shoots. This was due to an ever evolving idea and a non-fixed treatment, meaning that the writing of the idea fundamentally came from shooting and devising what may happen within the narrative.

But the final result was one of the most visually stimulating and encouraging videos I have ever made.

The original interview can be read here.


"Speaker" (2016) Music Video Case Study


"Gary Dunham" (2012) Gets Blogged on Awesome Robo